Chapter 5




are you doing here? Why are you here?” It took me a few seconds to ask those questions. I was shocked and beyond bewildered.

If I’d seen Darius in another part of town, I wouldn’t have panicked as much but the fact that he was right behind me, staring hard at Reina got on my nerves. What if he starts asking questions? What if? What if?

Quickly, I pushed Reina behind my back, hiding her completely from his line of vision while my eyes were focused on him. His eyes followed the movement and gradually moved up my body till it landed on my eyes.

“Who is that?” He asked. His voice, a mix of low rumble and thunder. He didn’t sound like the regular, usual Darius. It was sinister or maybe the fact that I was scared of letting him know who Reina was made his appearance scary.

The yellow bright moon shone its amber light on him. I could see the whole of him, completely.

“I asked you a question, Nibbles. Who’s that child?” He asked again. I swallowed hard this time, thinking twice or thrice about what my answer should be.

I couldn’t possibly tell him Reina was my child. He would find out my deepest secret.

“She’s none of your business, Darius. I asked you a question first, I stood my ground despite how wild my heart was racing.

“Yes! Yes! I followed you here. I wanted to find out why you desperately needed to leave the pack tonight and I guess she’s the reason,” he pointed at Reina.

“Like I said, Darius, she’s none of your business. We’ll leave now and you should too. Whatever is between us ended five years ago, you have no reason to act like a creep,

I held Reina’s hand firmly after giving her a reassuring look and turned, ready to flee away from Darius.

“Stop!” He demanded in a low, gentle voice but I didn’t stop. He’s nobody to command me. He’s not my Alpha.

that was enough to consider me a rogue. I belong to no pack and I ha

I’ve lived in the human world for five years and th Alpha

“STOP RIGHT THIS INSTANT, ANGELA!” My foot became stuck at the sound of his voice and command. His domi aura took over the atmosphere..

Reina moved more into my body and pressed her face into my thigh. She was getting scared.

“Why are you doing i

this, Darius?” I asked. I would’ve waited to argue but I couldn’t do that for Reina’s sake.

“Whose daughter is she?” He was standing in front of me. His eyes pierced right into mine.

She’s my

head to take a look at Darius and he did the same

He’s nobody, baby,”

he going to

him touch a strand of your hair.

Darius. His eyes were still fixated on Reina.







Chapter 5

a new sadness lurked right there


a deep breath, ran his fingers through his hair, and looked away for a few

back at me.


ferociously. “No, Darius.

is her father,

after you left, alright? He’s not involved

your life. You’re tapping your feet, his eyes slid down to my feet

despicable act of

that and you want me to believe she’s

It was also one

Darius. She’s not yours. You need to leave. Following me to this place is not only creepy but also crazy. Who do

responded with so

alone. Let us be on our way and you should be on yours. I have

to do with…”

instead bent on one knee in front of

My name is Darius and I’m a friend

Reina mentioned with

does. What


a beautiful name,

“Thank you,”

old are

pulled her away from

Darius. I warned you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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