Chapter 8

The following day, at noon. I was back in my pack, like a wild beast ready to maul its prey to death. Nobody stopped me at the gates to ask me anything as if they’d been expecting me.

My mother called me back a few hours ago to ask me why I was looking for Darius and I told her I would tell her everything later. After I’m done skinning their Alpha alive.

When I was on the edge of insanity, a call came in from Darius, telling me he bought Reina back into the pack. I didn’t wait for him to say anything else. I dropped his call, booked the next light out of town, and came straight into the pack. On my way back. I imagined ten thousand times, the ways I would approach Darius when I finally see him.

1 headed for the Alpha’s private building that was a few minutes away from the gates: Growing up, I would gawk at the mansion anytime I visited it but today, I was more preoccupied with something more important.

DARIUS” I yelled as I walked into his mansion without restriction since the door was left open. At the sound of my voice. some women came out of the kitchen to meet me

“Who are you and how dare you call the Alpha by his name?”

I scrunched my nose as I took in the appearance of the older lady who talked.

I wasn’t up for pleasantries or courtesy. I would apologize for my rude behaviour next time but for now, my child is my main priority.

“Where the f*ck is he? I want to see him.” I demanded

“Nibbles Darius answered from a floor above ours. His elegance wasn’t concealed His shoulders were squared with his left hand in his pocket as he looked down at us. A thin simile graced his lips once our eyes met.

“Where’s she, Darius? I demanded for my child

“You all can go back to your duties” he dismissed the women without giving them a look. His eyes, his gaze were on me as if I would disappear if he looked away.

“Yes, Alpha,” they bowed and left, not without scrutinizing me. I c*cked my head sideways to let them that I could hear t unspoken words. They probably wondered where the mannerless, crude lady came from

“I asked you a f*cking question, Darius Where’s my child?” I asked again. I wasn’t ready to waste any time with him chatchatting I just want to get my child and f*ck out of the place

She’s safe, Nibbles,”

A sudden Tage surged through me at his words. I fisted my palm stopping myself from jumping at him to bite his car off or something I wish I could punch the st*pid grin off his face. He began walking down the stairs. His footsteps rhymed with my breath. This was the place I’d first seen Darius years ago Ourfirst encounter duint lead to a conversation between us but I face, his eyes and his ski were unprinted in my brain. Even though I was sixteen at that time, couldnt get ha thoughts out of my head I never told him he was my crush before he became any mate

Now, he’s my enemy

to me, I lost control of my temper and



he thak joku He


is wrong with your


May 28 L M

Chapter 8

you, She’s

You left

stand there to tell me she’s safe. Is that even a word you’re supposed to use? A liar and a deceiver like you. You told me you would bring her back in two hours but for sixteen hours you took her away and didn’t

to trust

I yelled and got ready to punch him

me from hitting him with all the pain and

messed up. I should’ve called you but I was too preoccupied with my meeting to give you a call. I only called you when

to his stories. I just want to see

want my child

take a seat for a

me to take a seat in your house or

‘Don’t be ridiculous. I didn’t kidnap Reina. I


to attend

should’ve brought her back

have kept her? In that shabby coffee shop of yours or make her

the same time, I couldn’t afford to stay home with Reina. Sometimes, I’ll make her stay extra hours

there and teach me about how I take care of my child or how I

five years old and you’re making her stay alone at home for hours. I

for five years and we’ve

funny how you denied she wasn’t my child

need a deadbeat father in

her a secret. You kept her away

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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