Chapter 27


“Alpha Darius,” Daisy cried as soon as I stepped into the room where she was admitted at the hospital. She had a bandage around her arm. I still don’t understand what could’ve transpired between the two but Angela had no right to hurt this girl.

She had been nothing but sweet and nice to Reina. I’ve been thinking of ways to show my appreciation to her but I guess Angela had to pay her one way or the other.

“How are you feeling?”

I asked. I threw my hands in my pocket and stood by the foot of her bed.

“It hurts, Alpha Darius,” I gave her a reassuring, sad smile. I’m sure my late wife would have dug herself out of her grave if she saw Daisy like this, courtesy of my woman.

The doctor came in at that time as well.

“You’ll get better,

“It was silver, Alpha Darius. It’ll take a while for her to get

get better but she’ll heal. She’s a strong girl,” The doctor reassured me.

“Silver?” I echoed that word the same way I heard it.

Where would Angela find silver from? Why would she stab Daisy with a silver dagger? Was it premeditated? What could be

the motive?

“It was mine. My father gave it to me some months ago. It’s like family emblem. I always have it with me,” Daisy answered. I nodded, taking in her words. She looked tired, I didn’t think to ask her too many questions but I needed to know what happened.

“What happened today, Daisy?”

She tried to sit up but she couldn’t manage on her own. The doctor had to help her up.

“You told me this morning that I could take Reina from the school and you’ll tell Angela about it.”

Shit! I was too preoccupied to actually tell Angela that Daisy would pick Reina up from school. Shit!

“But by the time I got to the school, I found out Angela already picked Reina up. So, I went home to confront he she would do something like that,” I sucked in a deep breath.

Reina is Angela’s daughter, right?” I

the go-ahead. Why would she go behind

my palm tightly. Daisy was getting it all wrong. Even if I gave her the go-ahead, Reina

“Please continue,”

daughter wasn’t my business. I asked her where Reina was but she refused to tell me. I asked again and she threatened to stab me if I asked her

that?” The female doctor asked echoing



Tue, May

Chapter 27

“Yes,” she nodded.

quickly muttered an apology and walked out of the room leaving Daisy and me. Her story wasn’t straightforward or adding up but I trust Daisy

get some sleep, Daisy.

ou trust m


I could walk out

a small smile. “Of course, I’ve known you for

assured her. She gave me a big smile

tried finding out her whereabouts but it almost proved impossible. That was because I didn’t look for her in the first place I should’ve looked

porch and knocked, hoping Reina was there The door was thrown open by the same person I was looking

as if she had been waiting

when her legs wrapped around me. I carried her just as she

“Where’s grandma?”

my shoulder. She didn’t answer me with words, instead, she

she was pointing to.

to us from her stove. “Hello


preparing dinner for Reina and me.

a whisper but I think this sleepover was not something she

so she could look up a me. As our eyes met, tears rolled

thought her laughter would be the end of me but her tears stabbed me in

I had to find the words, I just had to find the courage to ask


“What’s wrong baby?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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