Chapter 34


The elders allowed me to leave without any punishment. Lucky me, right? No! That was no luck, that had Darius Darkwood written all over it. I wasn’t lucky to have walked out alive or without being thrown into jail. I walked out because I made a bargain with a f*cking devil who seemed to have loved the bargain more than his life. He told me to wait behind after I was dismissed but I didn’t wait. I walked out before he could hold me back or call my name.

I called my mom on the way back to ask about Reina. She told me Reina was on a playdate with some of her friends and would pick her up later in the evening. Hearing about Reina having friends was a proud mummy moment for me. I forgot about all the troubles I had during the day. I sure didn’t make the wrong decision by deciding to stay back in the pack. I branched at the playdate to check on her for some minutes before going home.

“So, what was the punishment you were given? Will I get to claw your eyes out or slash your heart open?” Daisy asked as 1 walked into Darius’ mansion.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. The innocent Dasiy was at it again. I bet Darius would have a field day if he heard her speaking like this. Talk about her being innocent and bu*lshit.

“What do you want Daisy?” I groaned.

“I want to hear it from you. You messed with me and you’re getting punished for it,” She argued.

“How did I mess with you? By not telling you about Reina’s whereabouts,”

This morning after I dropped Reina off at her school, I had a short, private conversation with her teacher. I asked her not to let anyone other than my mom and I pick Reina up from school If I want someone else to do that, I’ll call her and let her know. She agreed.

“I don’t need to say it again when you already said it yourself, Angela,”

What does she want from my child? “Stay

“Reina is my daughter,” I reminded her. What was her obsession with my

h my kid? Wh away from her” I warned.

“I’m sure you would be saying the same thing when I take custody of her after you’re sent to the hospital from the scars I’ll give you,”

“Maybe you should call your brother or Darius for the news. It’s good news for me and unfortunately, it’s bad news for you

Her demeanor changed. I could see her stance becoming stiff as she took in my words. It might’ve come as a surprise for her but for me, I was more concerned about how confident she was in the fact that I would be punished.

it and you know that and of course, I have backup,” I

her face.

snickered, mocking me to my face. “What do you mean by you have a backup? It’s empty, isn’t it, you can’t even

feel the color draining from my face. How did she even know about the nanny cam not to talk

are you

you in this house, Angela. I have ears everywhere, know that next time before you try messing with me.




Chapter 34

do you hate


scrutinized me. “Because you think

“What do you mean?”

I’m sure he wanted to make you make a fool out of yourself by letting you use that flash drive despite knowing it was empty. It must have been a good show for him. I’m sad

Jack Robinson, she was out of my sight. I stood dumbfounded for what appeared to be an hour but just a few minutes. I didn’t quite understand most of her words, but it became

thought he looked good in black but he looked better in white. He was standing beside his desk, holding a document. How the hell do I always end up forgetting the reasons why I’m in his presence anytime

hate him! You hate him!

a picture,

caught ogling him and that didn’t look good on my reputation. I needed to act like I wasn’t interested like I hated him. It was easier at first but now,

Why? What changed?

you, Darius,” I

could feel the lines above his eyebrow shrinking together.

I know the but his words came so gently I could feel it caressing my soul. Was Darius controlling himself? Was he stopping himself from getting mad at

my flash drive,” I shoved it in

deep breath and collected the drive from my hand. His

believe me if I said I didn’t?”

Believe him at my own peril. “No,

silent for a few minutes. “Now, I understand how you felt when I didn’t believe you,” He

time. A large part of me yearned to believe him but since

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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