Chapter 36


Throughout the next day. I had nothing to do. I had to rearrange and arrange Reina’s room and mine so many times I could feel my body going sour. That was what I wanted, anything to keep me from reminiscing my moment with Darius yesterday. Anything to stop the s*upid tingling sensation I could feel in between my legs. Anything to stop the images that came to my head every time I closed my eyes,

My body ached for Darius in a different way that I couldn’t seem to comprehend. While I waited for Reina to get back from school since Darius promised to pick her up. I tried to keep myself busy. I also made a mental note to ask Darius for help when they got back I need to find a job or something to keep me busy within the pack so I can stop thinking about sex with Darius

Last night, for the first time in a long while. I slept without nightmares. I forgot to use my pills and I was surprised at how easily I slept like a baby. It was the best night of my life. Although it was without mightmares, it was filled with dreams of Darius taking me everywhere my imagination could run wild.

That should be considered nightmares too right? I guess it’s not guess it’s a different type of dream that keeps you wanting the same man for a whole day.

I stood up from cleaning the floor of my room and took a good look around the place. Maybe Darius was right, the place does need a feminine touch. It was too plain. Maybe if 1 started decorating it the way I wanted. I would have less time to think about Danus

When Reina got back from school, she threw her hands around my neck with that surge of energy and I managed to hold my ground

“Hey, mama,”

I kissed her cheeks, giving her repeated kisses that sfer now calls Kiss attack. “Hey, babes, I missed you so much,”

“We went for burgers. Uncle D took me,” She happily announced

I looked behind her to see Darius wasn’t there but I knew he brought her home. “I tell him thank you when I see him,”

“Unde D is the best in the whole world”

I almost exclaimed Just because he got you burgers, he’s the best in the whole world. Girl, please? I wanted to say bi

trying to make a joke of the moment before I opened my mouth and said something st*pid. A box

got one for

began struggling with the burger

Loos a bric

the beat, removed her shoes, and post on her

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“Du juu Good.

sa tangid fc chưa is my face

May 28

Chapter 36

guess she didn’t need my help for that anymore. She was becoming too independent and it


you,” Darius interrupted. If not that he said these words, I wouldn’t have realized he

I went to and I wanted more and more of the scent. It was becoming intoxicating and I was

and looked up at him to see him staring at me. He kissed my check. He kissed

my life.

“I missed you,”

mine. “Well, bad for you, I didn’t miss you,” I lied. I squeezed my toes inside the socks I was wearing to stop myself from

here when I get back, you can hate me all you want. I’ll

leaning into him to listen to his heartbeat. It was weird but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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