Chapter 38


MAMA, Reina screamed again. Her tiny voice bounced over the walls of the entire room. That seemed to have woken Darius up as well.

“Stop yelling” I demanded before she would wake up everyone in the house.

“Hey Ree,” He waved at her as if she had just not walked in on us sharing the bed. I could have scoffed but I was more mortifed to do anything ridiculous right then.

She was holding her red, giant teddy bear with a flustered look on her beautiful face.

“Mornin, Uncle D” She waved back at Darins with a huge smile on her face. She was always happy to see him. I don’t know how she could quickly get over the shock of seeing us on the bed that she could smile so brightly

“Did you sleep well, baby?” Darius asked.

“Yes, I did but that’s….”

“Yes, Uncle D.” Land Reina answered at the same time. We both turned to look at each other before her eyes went back to


“I was asking Reina, not you,” He furrowed his eyebrows at me before turning to Reina.

I scoffed in disbelief. I get he’s calling us both that s*upid endearment but could he have at least specified?

“I need to get ready for school, Mama. You have to help me,” She cried. I turned to the digital clock sitting on the stool close to the bed and saw it was almost eight in the morning

Shit! Shit! Shit! How did I sleep over the alarm clock? I was so sure it must’ve sounded twice or thrice.

“My alarm didn’t sound,” I wondered as I held it showing Reina as my possible and only form of explanation as to why I didn’t wake up earlier.

“I switched it off last night.” Darius answered. I turned to him with a glare, wishing Reina wasn’t in the room so I peacefully smash the alarm on his head.

“Why?” I cried.

me. I knew he had his reasons but he should have told

“Thanks,” I whispered back.

mama, mama,”

my hand, “Stop screaming, babes. Go ahead to your room, FI

asked and I

out of my room, dragging her giant teddy bear along with

left, the embarrassment I’d been trying to keep off settled in big time. How was I supposed to explain to her that I was sleeping with Darius without having any relationship with Darius? My daughter



Tue, May 28

Chapter 38

hand from my face and made

that bad.” He said as if he could

am I supposed to explain

his head. “Just calm down. I’m


if she asks me about it? What if she tell people that we shared a bed? Do you know how embarrassing that would be?”

worried about, Angela? Her seeing us? Or the possibility of

“Both,” I answered confidently

me and if anybody has problem with us, let me

you do?” He was already out of

forehead and walked out of my room. A few seconds later, I could hear the door to his bedroom closing

room. She was sitting in front of her TV, watching some kid’s show. She was hugging her teddy bear tightly and that made me question the newly found attachment

and came straight to me. We got dressed in silence. She wasn’t questioning me and I was too embarrassed to question her about anything as well. It was better that way. It

most of them from when I still lived here with my parents but five years does make a difference. Most of their

called a

“Yes, babes,”

you like Uncle

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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