Chapter 42


My face rested against the cold metal of the jail cell room that I was thrown in several hours ago and instead of tears that I’d intended to flow down my eyes, I shrieked before moving back.

It was silver.

I touched the skin of my cheek to see it was partially burnt. Since I was a werewolf, I knew it would heal soon but it still hurts as liell

Maybe I was hurting twice because of the pain that won’t stop hitting my chest. I had to force myself to breathe almost all the times I tried breathing like I usually do.

Darius hates me! He hates my guts now! He thinks I betrayed him about something that I don’t even know anything about. Why would I agree to do such a hurtful thing? I even tried to ask him for an audience with Charles, I wanted to ask him how he could concoct such a terrible lie against me but I couldn’t bring myself to complete the statement or maybe it was Darius who didn’t let me complete the statement.

For a moment, I wished I’d not s*upidly and blindly followed Charles words. Maybe if I’d tried to see things for myself or maybe ask Darius about it, it would be different.

I’d been in here for hours. I don’t even know if it was the morning of the next day or afternoon or night.

“I can see you’re enjoying your time here,” A new voice interrupted my thoughts, a few feet away from the cell room where I was. Even if I’d died and displayed in a casket, I would wake up in recognition of that voice.

Daisy! She wasn’t alone. She was with two guys,

“I asked you a question, Angela,” She spat with hatred.

I could hear the s*upid clicking of her heels, echoing over the entire space. The illuminating, unstable light in the room. reflected her figure at intervals and if not for my situation, I could’ve sworn she emerged from a horror movie.

“What do you want?” I grumbled.

My back was against the wall. I hadn’t cried since the entire saga began. Not even when Darius looked at me with broken expression I’d ever seen on his face. Not when he didn’t believe that I might hate him but I would never do thing to betray him. Not even when he turned his back on him despite how much he’d shown me his affection dur past few months. Not even when he ordered his men to throw me in a cell did a tear drop from my eyes.

Daisy dangled a bunch of keys in front of her eyes. She had a wild smile on her lips as if she was taunting me. I looked from her. She wasn’t my problem at the moment, I had other things to think about other than a pathetic lady who was desperate about a man.

“Should I come in or should I not come in?” She asked no one in particular. She twirled the keys in her fingers as she kept a smirk plastered on her face.

“You should be curious about how I got this bunch of keys, she pouted as if disappointed that I didn’t ask her.

“I’m more curious about why you’re here. To mock me?”

her. Like a beast, she rushed to open the big padlock. securing the

to stare at


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Chapter 42

guys picked me up from


by her actions. I knew she was crazy but


be begging me for your life, you pathetic b*tch,

beg you for my life?” I was too shocked to even stand up and slap

right now to bend your neck against a wood and cut it off or maybe be a little emote dramatically by asking him to let the pack members stone you

of who she was and I wasn’t comfortable with it. She looked at me

ask him to do one of the two things you just

GO! I commanded.

would say anything just to get her out of

and threw me away from the wall. My body

was the daughter of a Beta! She was stronger than I was. I knew where

floor and faced her with no words for me to speak. The two guys held me once again against the silver-

“What? C

You always had a mouth on

aback again. She wanted to see me cry. Her survival might be dependant on

up till all my blood flows on this gr but you’ll never see me cry

see her chest heaving as

life, Angela,” she moved

“Never!” I spat.

first. I would hold her by her hand, bring her here with tears on our faces, and explain to her why her mom is in here. Tell her how horrible and dangerous you are

her before she could

would do no

and beg for your life

would do no such thing, Daisy? I replied, staring at

I know my mom wouldn’t release Reina to Daisy, not even if my


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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