Chapter 52

Angela’s POV

I grabbed hold of his collar, deepening the kiss. It was so hot that I knew I was dripping wet already without being touched. I was tasting the forbidden fruit and heck, it tasted real nice. I told myself I wouldn’t kiss Darius, because that was too intimate but here I was in his office, held up against the wall, being kissed as if it was the end of the world.

And I liked it! Was I supposed to?

One of his hands, left or right, I’m not even sure, grabbed my butt, making me squeal from the sudden touch. I moaned against his mouth as his tongue slid into my mouth, tasting me and giving me a taste of him.

A part of me asked me why I hesitated to kiss him all these while. Was this what I was messing? Cone to hell were the events that took place days ago. I couldn’t even remember where I was

Darius lifted up the hem of my gown and I watched as his hands cupped my wet fold. I bit down on my bottom lips as his eyes pierced mine. He wasn’t kissing me again and I whined for his taste.

“Remember what we agreed on, Angela?” He asked, his tongue brushing against my bottom lip.

“What?” I asked, a frown etching it’s spot on my face.

His finger slid through my panties and I unconsciously closed my eyes. He worked his way around me, teasing me, putting me closer to the edge till I was close. Too close.

Darius sucked on my carlobes, making me a mess completely. His mouth moved to my neck, he bit down on a spot, sucked on it and I could feel my knees wobble. If not for his hand that was holding me up, I would have crumbled to my feet and died.

“The tie that bond us together,”

Right before I could get my organsm as I rode on passion on cloud 9. Darius withdrew his finger, getting a loud whimpering from me.

I groaned. I was shocked and felt st*pid at the same time. Why the heck would he do that for?

He grabbed my face and stared into*my eyes.

“That’s for trying to walk away with another man,”

“What?” I was breathing heavily. Words ceased in my mouth. My legs felt light against the floor.

“Reina is the only reason why I’m still standing right in front of you, Angela. Nothing else. As for the artist workspace, my men would get it done and finished, do with it whatever you want but don’t you come whining to me again about someth else because you’re nobody to me.”

“Darius…” I interrupted him but he shushed me by placing his finger on my mouth.

you agreed to leave with Charles, you

he went back to his big desk and chair,

raw, unwanted and guilty

gritted teeth. “Trust me or not, I didn’t plan to run away with Charles. He told me somebody was after mine



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Chapter 52

have to prove that with

face me. His back was still facing me

he told me was the same day I

the room. Neither of us said a word to each other for the next few seconds. All I could

started, turning to face

“Don’t call me that,”

enough and he’d done enough. He

come to me when he

his voice

a thing. If those demons could penetrate through your brother’s pack, what’s so special about this one?”


are you supposed to do

my life depended

sister, he would.koll you and

iota of

don’t trust you. You’re Darius Darkwood. Nothing about you speaks

that moment, he had stopped trying to talk over me and I

it so hard for you

his palms. Looking into Darius eyes

swallowed the next words that was supposed to come


believe people’s


know. I’ve done some terrible things and I won’t promise you that I still won’t do horrible things but I want you to rysut

he was a good person or he’ll be a good person and somehow, that was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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