Chapter 72

Angela’s POV

While we were at the mall, something strange happened. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I turned back but no one was there. I looked around for a few more seconds but to my dismay, no one was interested in who we were or what we were doing. I took it off my mind and blamed it on what happened earlier.

We soon went to the movies. Reina had a really good time. You could see the smile on her face and the way she sang along in a loud voice. The Warrior Darius sent with us kept a minimal distance away from us but his eyes never left

  1. US.

As we left the cinema, we walked into a kid’s boutique to shop for some clothes for Reina. I turned around again as I felt like I was being watched. I saw a man standing right outside the boutique staring at me in particular. He was wearing a brown hat and of course, a long flannel jacket. Immediately our eyes met, he looked away.

“He’s creeping you out too, right?” Brittany, who hadn’t said a word to me since we left the pack suddenly whispered.

“What?” I asked with a frown.

“I saw him outside the cinema earlier. He creeps me out, I swear,”

She went back to Reina and helped her pick another dress. The Warrior with us saw my distress and walked up to man to ask who he was but before he could get to him, the man walked away.

As we were about to pay for the dresses, the warrior brought out a black card and gave it to me.

“What’s this?” I asked him.

I’m sorry I’m giving you this late. Alpha Darius told me to give this to you before I came to meet you at the gates,”


I stared at the card for a long time, thinking if I should take it from him or not. Reluctantly, I collected it but dropped it in my purse. I used my card to pay for the dresses.

We went for a quick late lunch at a restaurant before heading home. Reina couldn’t eat much because she wanted to go home as soon as possible and I was also too scared to stomach anything. Brittany on the other hand kept swallowing anything that came her way. I couldn’t stop staring at her and she kept on shrugging and giving me the stink eye.

“You should try to eat less. You might get indigestion,” I suggested on our way back to the pack.

“You should try to eat more. You’re so thin you can disappear the next minute,”

I still don’t know why my parents decided to give birth to Brittany. I love her but half the time, I want to kill her. “You weren’t at Dad’s funeral,” I mentioned.

from the window and stared at me. “I came later that night. I


idea about what was going on in Brittany’s life.

sciences. I’m aiming to research on how a werewolf

AM #

Chapter 72

bring myself to believe my sister was actually in the University.

Brit, I didn’t know that

would you?” She smirked at me, then tapped the driver on the shoulder

goodbyes to Reina who was already half asleep even


was in my arms and I struggled to turn on the light but

his reason for staying in the dark, he moved away from my line of vision and I

arms and I had to

and right there, in the dining area


at the decorations and

like it?” Darius asked Reina.

Daddy, Reina k*ssed Darius on

“You’re welcome,”

“Thank you, Darius,”

k*ssed him. “Anything for my

and stopped me before I could pull out the chair for

me do the

I laughed.

enjoyed the dinner while Reina talked to Darius about how her day went. She didn’t leave anything out and kept

After d

persuade her several times that the cake wouldn’t get stolen. She finally agreed and I took her upstairs to get her ready for bed. Before

Darius and the warrior who had accompanied us out talking. Darius had cleared out the table so there was really nothing

face and k*ssed my forehead: “What’s wrong? Did I do something

shook my head. “It’s not you. It’s me,”

was when my tears started flowing and I

and mother. I wasn’t there for my mom, I don’t even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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