Jared glanced at the members of Bulrush Sect before saying to Catina, “Help me kill all these people.”

“I don’t think I can do it on my own,” Catina answered truthfully.

“Well, you’re not on your own. You have me,” Jared said with a cold expression. Catina looked at Jared’s expression and realized it was an expression she had never seen on his face.

“You?” Catina sized Jared up. “What can you do?”

Instead of replying, Jared slowly took out his Dragonslayer Sword. At the same time, his Golem Body shone brightly and covered his entire body.

Although Jared was a First Level Tribulator cultivator, the aura he exuded was utterly terrifying. Catina widened her eyes in shock and stared at Jared.

pointed his sword at the members of Bulrush Sect and said, “You’ve hurt the people around me. You all

bald man was also

you trying to fool? You’re nothing but a First

I?” Jared narrowed his eyes which were filled with murderous intent. Those men had harmed Cloud, Feenix, and the others.


soon as he did that, a dragon roar rang out, and as a ray of light

of Bulrush Sect were flabbergasted when they saw the golden dragon. The golden dragon descended from the sky and turned into countless rays of light. Seeing that, the bald man

for them, it

had taken Jared, a First

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

of light shot out and turned three Third Level Tribulator disciples from Bulrush Sect into

disciples were crippled

what happened to his subordinates, he was astounded. Was that even a move a First Level Tribulator cultivator can pull off? This is f*cking

that moment, even Catina’s eyes went wide in shock. She didn’t know Jared was that impressive. Those people were either Third or Fourth Level Tribulator cultivators! Yet, in front of Jared, they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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