Feenix enlisted Catina’s help as she and Jared alone were not enough to save Izolda and Kiara from the hands of Bulrush Sect.

Faced with Feenix’s pleas, Catina nodded, saying, “Fine. I’ll do this for you, but I want a stake in the celestial ore mine too.”

“Deal!” Jared agreed readily. Without the help of someone as powerful as Catina, they would never be able to take over the celestial ore mine even if they somehow managed to rescue Izolda and Kiara.

Also, given the number of injuries they had suffered, they weren’t strong enough to protect everyone. This was on top of Jared’s concern that Pablo would find him anytime.

“Let’s go,” Catina said in response to Jared’s agreement. With that, Feenix led the two to the celestial ore mine, the three of them staying vigilant throughout the entire journey.

“We’re almost there,” Feenix said as she pointed up ahead. Right then, Jared could clearly sense a different aura.

“Let’s sneak in so that they don’t know we’re here,” Jared instructed, as their objective was to rescue their friends and not start a fight.

If their presence was detected, they would not only be put at a disadvantage but Izolda’s and Kiara’s lives could also be put in danger.

their auras as they quietly approached the celestial ore

three of them arrived on a hill slope. When they looked into the horizon, they saw a cave in the mountains, with five

it by chance and tried to obtain

through her gritted teeth, “If I hadn’t been exiled to the mundane world, I would have

You were missing for the past few years because you were exiled?” Catina asked in

probe further when a convoy

Jared quickly shushed the

red and wearing hats. Even though their faces

Sect?” Catina remarked with

Sect? Does that mean they’re

the manipulation of negative and positive energy. Now that Bulrush Sect has found the celestial ore mine, I’m surprised that they have invited Ruby

a gloomy expression. The mention of Ruby Sect had clearly upset

many years ago, and they are

the ground

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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