Unexpectedly, the token instantly shattered upon coming into contact with the light from Dragonslayer Sword.

However, the light did not stop at all, heading straight for Anders, aiming at his legs.


As it flashed past, both his legs were severed. He initially stood at over one point eight meters. But in the blink of an eye, he was only a meter tall.

Jared sauntered toward him. Terror brimmed in Anders’ eyes, but he had no way of fleeing. When Jared reached Anders, he did not kill the latter but walked right past. Then, he put all the mined celestial ore into his Storage Ring.

They were arduously mined by Ruby Sect and Bulrush Sect, so he could not possibly waste them. Meanwhile, the reason for Anders’ stay of execution was that he planned to bring the man to Izolda and Kiara.

He wanted to let the two girls personally kill that monster. Perhaps by doing so, they would find a hint of consolation.

Jared had put the celestial ore away and planned

when he spotted the approaching party did he breathe a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was

totally wretched, and the few dead people outside

with her also wore

was your doing? You’ve dealt with it by yourself?” Catina asked in utter surprise. She knew full well that

no idea how Jared

up to leave. The few others gaped at him in shock. They

just brought some

to leave with Anders in hand, Catina

Queen? You said there’s a magical item here and tricked us into coming to this place.

mine. Is celestial ore not a magical item?” Catina answered, pointing

item is a celestial ore? How much can we take when there are only a few of us? Besides, who’s going to mine? If we cultivate here and absorb them directly, it’s too much of a waste of time. We don’t even know how

the celestial ore was a treasure, it was of little use to small teams. After all, not only did it have to be mined, but

and absorb it right there, they only had a few days, and it would

of an effect on their cultivation. It would be far better to make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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