Feenix was filled with contempt when she glanced at Pablo. Although Pablo is strong, he’s not worthy of becoming my master! He’s so shameless!

Before Feenix was sent to the mundane world, she was stronger than Pablo.

She used to serve a governor governing one of the five regions in the Ethereal Realm. That was why she could do whatever she liked in the Ethereal Realm.

However, she made a mistake and was sent to the mundane world. That was when her capabilities dropped tremendously.

Fortunately for her, she found Jared and finally had a chance to return to the Ethereal Realm. Feenix felt contemptuous when Pablo, an Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator, wanted to be her master.

Nevertheless, Feenix was still too weak at that moment, so she had to swallow her pride and hold back.

“Can you really protect me?” Feenix asked softly.

show me respect and fear me in the Celestial Battlefield!” Pablo

you really that strong? In that case, I’m

innocent Feenix was. This is a celestial beast! If I can train her properly, she’ll come in

you something!” Pablo whipped out a pill and tossed it to Feenix. “This is an immortal pill

Feenix kept the

is for you to ingest.” Pablo wanted Feenix to eat the immortal pill. Feenix hesitated

unconditionally to gain his trust. A smirk appeared on Pablo’s face when

just now. Could you avenge me?” Feenix

me there!”

the opposite direction of the cave

through the sky in her phoenix form, and that made Pablo, who

phoenix as a

for Pablo to fight against and let them suffer injuries. Only

next to each other, she suddenly spotted a dozen cultivators attacking a

after Anders, the leader of Bulrush Sect, died, a few of the members of Bulrush Sect

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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