“This technique is known as the Impersonation Technique, a skill that allows one to change their appearance and aura,” Jared explained to Catina.

Upon hearing this, Catina was immediately surprised and exclaimed, “I’ve heard of this technique before, and there’s even a rumor about it! A Demonic Cultivator who mastered this skill transformed into the leader of a sect, controlling the entire sect himself. However, later on, a drunken mistake led to his cover being exposed, and he was killed outright…”

“Is this technique really that powerful?” Feenix asked with great interest.

“Absolutely. If one were to master this Impersonation Technique, they could transform into someone else so convincingly that even their own family wouldn’t be able to tell!” Catina exclaimed.

“Wow! That’s impressive!” Feenix was utterly astonished, then turned to Jared and said, “In that case, Master is indeed fortunate. You’ll probably be overwhelmed with joy…”

“What do you mean?” Jared was taken aback, not understanding what Feenix meant.

“Once you’ve mastered this Impersonation Technique, you’ll be able to change your appearance at will, and even your loved ones won’t be able to tell. In other words, you’ll be able to transform and meet up with other people’s wives…. With a laugh, Feenix chose not to continue speaking. However, both Jared and Catina understood completely.

talking about?” Jared glared

even fully satisfy the women by his side, yet he

was somewhat overwhelmed by these two

out of the crevice. Catina and Feenix followed behind. The two girls were still chattering away, engrossed in their

his two companions journeyed westward. At this moment, Jared’s heart was much

so much so that even if he encountered Pablo, he could still defend himself

by his side, there was absolutely

a vast sea, with its peaks and valleys undulating to distinguish it from other

at the highest point of the mountain range, there stood a peak, its slopes steep and rugged, as if they had been carved by the blade of an

a misty haze, with strands of celestial energy

elusive celestial energy, causing

the distant mountain peak and said, “What an

at these endless mountain ranges, all surrounding that peak. Moreover, that peak is enveloped in celestial energy. How could the mountain ranges surrounding the peak appear to be man-made? Could they have been an arcane

too, noticed something peculiar about the continuous mountain range, but he didn’t associate it with an arcane array. After all, how grand must the scale be for

Celestial Battle, immortals descended to the Ethereal Realm. If the arcane

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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