“Who are you?”

Upon witnessing the sudden appearance of a stranger, the members of Nethersky Sect were immediately taken aback.

“Pablo…” The newcomer began to speak slowly.

“Pablo?” The middle-aged man furrowed his eyebrows slightly, then glanced at Pablo and said, “I’ve never heard of you. Since you’re also a Demonic Cultivator, leave immediately. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude.”

“Do you think you’re capable?”

Pablo smirked as the aura of his Eighth Level Tribulator cultivation level burst forth from his body in an instant.

The members of Nethersky Sect were instantly overwhelmed by the oppressive aura, struggling to catch their breath. Some even collapsed onto the ground.

Feeling Pablo’s aura, the middle-aged man widened his eyes in sheer terror.

“I apologize, I apologize, I failed to recognize your greatness…” The middle-aged man hurriedly apologized to Pablo.

It seemed that he didn’t

are you?” Pablo

I am the sect

Magnus, scoffed coldly, and said, “Nethersky Sect? Can you

he shook his head. “I can’t. I’ve only heard of

Magnus’ words, the other members of

that they had all been deceived by Magnus, which led

let out a cold chuckle. Then, with a gentle sweep of his hand across his forehead, an eye

red. A

Pablo’s demeanor, Magnus suddenly fell to his

Nethersky Sect also began to kneel down one

high reverence. Seeing that Pablo indeed possessed the Nethersky Eye, they were all utterly

witness the true Nethersky Eye.

Sect all shouted in unison. Pablo put away his

of you. As long as you sincerely follow me, I will ensure that each of you attains the Nethersky Eye.”

that despite his formidable strength, he was, after all, a

Sect, they could be considered the first group

from now on, you are the leader of our Nethersky Sect.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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