Pablo and the others quickly reached the middle of the mountain peak. Feenix and her companions anxiously waited for Jared and his group, completely unaware of their surroundings.

It wasn’t until Pablo and the others were almost upon them that Feenix and her group sensed their arrival. Feenix was utterly stunned when she laid eyes on Pablo.

Pablo was also taken aback when he saw Feenix. He had given Feenix a poison pill, yet she appeared perfectly fine. This clearly indicated that Feenix was unaffected.

Upon recalling the scene where Feenix summoned the three kings and four archons, Pablo began to feel apprehensive.

“People from the Summers family are here as well…” Magnus didn’t know Feenix and Catina, but he recognized Jennifer and Jacques at first glance.

The two were indeed familiar to Magnus. After all, in the southern region, the Summers family’s arcane arrays and charm spells were well-known.

Magnus was well-versed in the art of arcane arrays and charm spells, so he was quite familiar with the Summers family.

Pablo furrowed his brow. “The family known for their understanding of arcane

those two are the children of the Summers family. If they are here, then the head of the

know those two people

and Catina, but Magnus simply

the strength of Pablo. With only Catina present, it

If he found

that Pablo,

one who wants

that Master is here.” Feenix whispered

hearing that,

few days, serving her every

that the person pursuing Jared would be so formidable. If

parties silently stared at each other, neither willing to break

feeling nervous at that moment, especially with Catina, a Seventh Level Tribulator

race members from before were there, Pablo knew that his only option would be to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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