Jared took the ancient book and skimmed through its pages. He discovered that it contained charm spells, specifically those of the Skywrath Sect. This was because Jared had received the true teachings of the Skywrath Sect. In the past, within the ancient ruins, Jared had even been fortunate enough to witness the full glory of the Skywrath Sect.

Jared couldn’t understand. How could the records of the Skywrath Sect’s charm spells exist in the Ethereal Realm? And what about Tyler, claiming to be the true inheritor of the Skywrath Sect? What was that all about?

Jared returned the ancient book to Tyler and asked, “Mr. Summers, are you familiar with the Skywrath Sect?”

“Of course. The Skywrath Sect was a major sect thousands of years ago, specializing in the practice of charm spells. However, after the Celestial Battle, the sect was destroyed. Yet, some of the charm spells from the Skywrath Sect were passed down. The charm spells that the Summers family practices are said to be from the Skywrath Sect. Therefore, our family could be considered a continuation of the Skywrath Sect, although there is no corroborating evidence. Now that we have this ancient book from the Skywrath Sect, our family has truly become the legitimate inheritors of the Skywrath Sect.” Tyler’s face was filled with excitement, and his body trembled slightly.

Listening to Tyler’s words, Jared also understood something. The Skywrath Sect must have been a sect in the Immortal Realm that had fallen during the Celestial Battle.

When in the mundane world, the so-called Skywrath Sect ruins that Jared followed Flaxseed to seemed more like a teleportation array, transporting from the mundane world to the Skywrath Sect.

Sect, Jared could indeed discern that the Skywrath Sect was not a sect

when the leader of the Skywrath Sect saw the blood demon’s zombie puppet, he recognized it at a

the status of the Skywrath Sect was definitely

the Skywrath Sect in his early years, and that was a testament to the formidable strength of the

Sect. He was so overwhelmed that he both bowed his head in

Skywrath Sect were stored in Jared’s mind, one could only imagine the look on

if you obtain these charm spells, it’s not guaranteed that you’ll be able to master them. Advanced charm spells like these require the subjugation of the

could learn just by taking a glance. If it were that easy, everyone could become a charm

and said, “Of course, the charm spells recorded in it are beyond our ability to master. However, with this ancient book, our family can proudly claim to be the descendants of the Skywrath

but did not continue speaking. The charm spells of the Ethereal Realm had fallen into such a state of desolation. Now that the Summers family had acquired

said to Jared, “Master, I have some unfortunate news

face instantly

Pablo would actually follow him all the way there. It seems this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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