“We’re free! Finally, we’re free!”

Magnus and the others couldn’t contain their excitement as they laid eyes on the familiar palace.

However, as they entered the palace, they found themselves trapped in various arcane arrays, putting their lives at risk.

Jared stared at the palace before him, sensing waves of celestial energy emanating from within. There was something unique about it, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

During his first visit to the palace, he hadn’t noticed any trace of celestial energy. Now, however, it surged unexpectedly, sparking his curiosity.

“Stay here. I’ll go in and take a look.”

Jared instructed Magnus and the others, who nodded eagerly in agreement. They had no desire to go back inside, knowing the danger it posed to their lives.

Jared entered the palace and discovered a bronze cauldron containing a darkened liquid. The celestial energy he sensed was actually coming from the cauldron itself.

that the palace was completely empty, devoid of any other objects. This struck him as

carefully. The celestial energy rushed towards him like a vast sea, and he couldn’t

celestial water?” Jared exclaimed in

intensity, it condensed into liquid form. If the liquid in the cauldron was indeed

began circulating wildly, and a thin layer of celestial mist enveloped

in the cauldron, he felt a strong urge to drink it immediately.

contemplating whether to drink it, his Storage Ring

dove straight into the cauldron. It seemed to have sensed the call of the celestial water and began rolling around

beast egg created a vortex, causing the surrounding

curse under his breath. After finally finding celestial water, he had hoped to utilize

he realized that the spirit beast egg was competing with

Technique, Jared found that his absorption speed was far inferior to that of

celestial water in the cauldron dwindled, unable to do anything to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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