“I had no idea you possessed the Power of Three. You should know, in the vast multitude of realms, those who possess the Power of Three are rare. It seems you indeed have remarkable talent, young man. With this, I can confidently entrust my legacy to you!”

The elder’s face was filled with joy.

“Sir, who are you?” Jared asked.

“I am Fire Spirit Lord, who has spent a lifetime cultivating various supreme fires. You’re fortunate to encounter me. I etched my understanding of martial arts techniques into the inner wall of the bronze cauldron, seeking the most fated individual. I can’t believe the one fated to find it would be a young Draconian!” Fire Spirit Lord spoke slowly.

“Fire Spirit Lord?”

Jared’s brow furrowed slightly. He had never heard this name before. Subsequently, he asked, “Since you also manipulate fire, who is more powerful, you or Inferno Devil?”

the one who imbued you with the demonic fire within?” Fire Spirit Lord asked. If Jared had a demonic fire,

shook his head. “Although my ultimate fire originated from him, it wasn’t something he

That Inferno Devil of yours is nothing. The most formidable demonic fire in the demon clan is the Fire Demon Lord. Unfortunately,

of Fire Spirit Lord, Jared felt a tingling sensation on his scalp. In the eyes of

how exactly did the Celestial Battle start? Many cultivators were killed or injured, and several demon leaders were suppressed. Did you die here and leave

learn more about the Celestial

lead to my downfall? I merely came to the Ethereal Realm to halt the battle and leave this legacy here. As a descendant of the Golden Dragon lineage, how could your vision be so limited? This Ethereal Realm is merely a lower

here to put a stop to it. If someone like me had participated in the war, I’m afraid you wouldn’t even see the existence of the Ethereal Realm by now. It would have collapsed long ago. The Celestial Battle led to the collapse of over three thousand planes. Even the celestial realm was not spared, with hundreds of worlds fragmenting and disintegrating, completely vanishing into the annals of history. As for the cause of the Celestial Battle, it remains a mystery to this

Fire Spirit Lord deeply shook Jared, and he felt ignorant. Initially, when he encountered the major

it seemed that these demon overlords were outstanding only in the Ethereal Realm. In

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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