“Unicorn? Ridiculous. This is not a unicorn! It’s a Celestial Devourer, the mount of a level nine Vermilion Demon Lord,” exclaimed Fire Spirit Lord.

“A mount of a demon? Isn’t this a unicorn? What exactly is a Celestial Devourer?” Jared wore a look of confusion on his face.

“The Celestial Devourer is a ferocious creature, notoriously difficult to tame. It is said to be the offspring of a unicorn and a ravenousor, though I’m not entirely certain. But how could a Celestial Devourer lay eggs in this Celestial Battlefield? And the Vermilion Demon Lord couldn’t possibly come here? It’s strange, truly strange…”

Fire Spirit Lord wore a face full of confusion. Upon hearing this, Jared realized why the little creature resembled a unicorn so much. After all, it was a hybrid.

Regardless of whether it was a unicorn or a Celestial Devourer, Jared had put in a lot of effort to hatch it and establish a bond. So, he would take care of it.

Putting the little Celestial Devourer back into the Storage Ring, Jared asked Fire Spirit Lord, “Sir, is this pocket watch a time magical item, and is it powerful?”

Only now did the Fire Spirit Lord glance at the pocket watch in Jared’s hand. He explained dismissively, “This is indeed a time magical item, but it seems to be damaged. Your current strength is just right to use it. However, this thing probably won’t be usable many more times. It’s useful for you now, but when you ascend to immortality, you won’t need it.”

Upon hearing this, Jared hurriedly continued to ask, “Sir, could you instruct me on how to activate this magical item?”

divine martial arts, yet you truly regard me as your master,

at Jared. With a casual wave of

called?” Jared asked,

Stride. Once you refine it, you can cover a hundred miles in a single step. If you encounter enemies you can’t defeat, you can use the Blazing Stride

already know the Wind

Blazing Stride can help you teleport, allowing you to cover a hundred miles in a single step. I’m

Spirit Lord finished speaking, his figure suddenly vanished

but there was no trace

saw that he was still inside the bronze cauldron. The inner wall of the cauldron was incredibly smooth, and there were absolutely

“D*mn, was I dreaming?”

of the bronze cauldron,

he found the Blazing Stride there. This time, he understood that

man is quite

to discover that Fire Spirit Lord was playing around with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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