Pablo sneered with disdain as he looked at the group. “You think you can persuade me to give you the magical items? They are already in my possession. If you want them, try to take them from me directly. This is the Celestial Battlefield, where strength determines who gets the treasure. Are you afraid that you can’t defeat me?”

The young man with a scimitar was angered by Pablo’s attitude. “You ignorant fool! We gave you a chance, but you’re still so arrogant…”

Pablo laughed heartily. “I am confident because of my strength. If you have the courage, try to prove yourself in front of me…”

The young man glared at Pablo, ready to charge forward with his scimitar!

However, their leader, Mateo, stopped him. “Wiktor, don’t fall for his provocation. Even if we fight, we will do it together.”

Only then did Wiktor retreat with his scimitar.

Mateo spoke to Pablo. “Friend, we, the Five Elites, represent the backing of the Five Great Sects. Even if you manage to leave the Celestial Battlefield with these treasures, do you think you can escape Demonia Mountain? Even if you underestimate us, can you afford to ignore the Five Great Sects behind us?”

It seemed Mateo wanted to seize the treasures that Pablo had taken without resorting to Vintence.

to kill all five of you now, who would know that it was me, even


his roar, the rest prepared for

“Pitiful fools!”

palm. A colossal black

five individuals stared at the enormous black hand, their faces changing color as they

the same moment, as the five individuals retreated, they simultaneously unleashed streams of spiritual energy. This energy converged into one, heading straight toward

mist began

Dark Demon Armor!” someone

having launched a combined attack, found their attacks

with their combined strength, they failed to harm him. Now, they no longer cared about the

trying to escape now? It’s

giant, pitch-black claw reached out. Upon seeing the situation, Mateo

took out yellow charms. They spat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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