“You re incredible, Master.”

Upon witnessing Pablo effortlessly slay the Five Elites, Magnus and the others couldn’t help but erupt into shouts.

Pablo enjoyed the flattery from Magnus and the others, a cold smirk playing on his lips.

“Search these people for any belongings. We need to continue our journey,” Pablo ordered Magnus.

Magnus nodded and started scavenging for treasures from the Five Elites with the other members of the Nethersky Sect.

As the rest were searching, Pablo suddenly furrowed his brows. He immediately turned his gaze toward the place where Jared had just hidden.

“That brat came…” said Pablo coldly. The person he most wanted to kill at that time was Jared, who possessed numerous magical items.

That Divine Bow was extremely tempting. Pablo was filled with envy. If the Divine Bow were in his hands, his strength would surely increase significantly. Pablo had been searching for Jared for all these days, but the latter showed up right beside him!

“After you finish searching, follow me immediately. I will leave markers along the way.”

Pablo instructed Magnus quickly before running toward Jared’s previous hiding spot. He activated the Nethersky Eye and set off immediately.

how were you so certain that Pablo would definitely win? We don’t need to fear

had fled in fear. He did not

is only an Eighth Level Tribulator, he has the Nethersky Eye and

did not want to exhaust

you’d be so afraid

finished speaking, Pablo suddenly appeared in front of them, his face filled with satisfaction. Seeing

must you kill

wish to die, you can hand over all the magical items you have. Perhaps,

long as you spare my life, I

Jared actually compromised!

looked incredulously

down?” Catina was also


to give me

course. If I die, all the items will still be yours

I’m glad to see that you can read the situation well. Give

burst into hearty

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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