Jared, Feenix, and Catina made their way towards the entrance of the Celestial Battlefield. The Celestial Battlefield was about to close in a few days, so Jared decided it was best to leave now and see what would happen later.

With Pablo relentlessly pursuing them, Jared knew that finding any treasure in the Celestial Battlefield would become even more difficult!

As they traveled a certain distance, they noticed a shimmering light not far away, accompanied by a rumbling sound!

Feenix immediately became interested upon hearing the commotion ahead. “Master, it seems like there’s been a fight up ahead. Should we go take a look?”

Catina chimed in as well. “It looks like a chaotic fight with many people involved. We should go and see if we can take advantage of the situation. By now, I’m sure many people have already found some treasures in the Celestial Battlefield. As the saying goes, ‘the wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel, and we’re the wolf right now.”

Originally, Jared wasn’t too interested, but Catina’s words piqued his curiosity.

If they could find some genuine treasures, even crystals imbued with celestial energy, it would be great as they could nourish the Celestial Devourer!

“Let’s go take a look!” Jared agreed.

than a dozen people relentlessly attacking a

fog pervaded within the magic arcane

quite robust, as it sustained no damage under the

for half a day, the cultivators were clearly exhausted, panting

moment, an elderly man dressed in grey cloth spoke up. “Mr. Summers, we’re not here to steal your treasures. Why are you so defensive against us? All we want are a few array charms from you! Don’t tell me you aren’t even willing to spare a few array charms in the Celestial Battlefield. Even though we couldn’t break through your arcane array, if we

family were within the arcane

young miss and young master first. I will stay

just give them some charms. As long as

long as those people refrained from seizing the charm

just a few array charms. If their foes

hearing the old man’s words, Jared’s

within the arcane

trapping them here

Fifth Level Tribulator cultivators. There were only two at the Sixth level, which wasn’t considered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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