Jared was astonished, looking at the spot where he had stood. He had moved a dozen meters away with just a step back, unintentionally using Blazing Stride. Although he hadn’t fully mastered it, he realized its usefulness and felt regret for not being able to use it earlier when facing Fire Spirit Lord.

With that in mind, Jared no longer feared Pablo. However, regret was pointless, as there was no way to change the past. He could only develop the skill slowly by himself in the future.

Meanwhile, Catina, Feenix, and the members of the Summers family were hastily fleeing, setting up arcane arrays to hinder Pablo’s pursuit. However, Pablo paid no attention to them and focused on Jared.

Pablo’s overwhelming demonic aura solidified into a ferocious tiger that charged toward Jared. Jared attempted to use Blazing Stride to evade, but failed and was hit by the fierce tiger, receiving a harsh blow.

was flung backward, crashing into the trees and creating a deep pit in the ground. Feenix, witnessing this, became enraged but was urged by Catina

his Golem Body and robust physique, climbed out of the pit. He chose not to dodge this time and threw a punch, using his

Dark Demon Armor. The Sacred Light Fist struck him, exploding into golden rays. Jared swiftly retreated, while Feenix

but to draw his Dragonslayer Sword

that he couldn’t withstand Pablo’s onslaught without resorting to the Divine Bow, Jared drew it out. The Divine Bow radiated a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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