Lion Archon’s eyes were filled with reluctance as he stared at the Divine Bow in Jared’s hand. However, he didn’t dare to touch it. The fear in his heart prevented him from even considering it.

Feenix furrowed her brow and turned to Lion Archon, asking, “Lion Head, are you still not convinced? Do you still want to challenge my master?”

Lion Archon quickly shook his head and replied, “No, no, I don’t want the Divine Bow either. If it weren’t for you, I would have died at the hands of Old Lion Archon. I owe my achievements to you.”

Monkey Archon pointed at Pablo and said, “Ms. Feenix, we actually saved your master. It was this guy who wanted to kill him, and we intervened to protect him.”

“Exactly. He was the one who wanted to kill your master. We stepped in to help!” Leopard King added hastily.

In truth, even without their explanation, Feenix knew that Pablo had intended to kill Jared.

Now that Lion Archon and his group were present, Feenix was no longer afraid of Pablo. With a cold snort, she said, “If you’re thinking of killing my master, then it seems you’ve grown tired of living, Kill-”

Before Feenix could finish speaking, Pablo swiftly waved both hands, enveloping his entire body in a shroud of black mist.

already vanished. Pablo wasn’t foolish. He knew he couldn’t win against five Seventh Level Tribulator cultivators

sure runs fast,”

still need to search other places for treasures. We must

situation, the others also scattered in fear, worried that

his companions left, Jared and his group didn’t dare to linger any longer and quickly departed

back to reclaim what was his. However, just after Jared and his companions left, two

turned to Skylar and asked,

come, but now only the two of them remained, and they hadn’t found any treasures

was a devastating defeat. They had

a piece of divine martial art, only for it

Pablo. I have

Demonic Cultivator. We-” Cameron tried to say something, but he stopped when he felt Skylar’s

Cameron to

Jared had lost his trust in the Norton family. Moreover, he seemed to doubt Skylar’s identity, making it difficult for Skylar

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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