However, given the current circumstances, Jared couldn’t simply turn and flee, especially with Montane Daemon still on the verge of a crucial breakthrough.

As Xavion launched his attack, Jared swiftly wielded the Dragonslayer Sword, slashing it towards Xavion. Instantly, the sword released countless streams of sword energy, tearing through the void and condensing into a storm of sword energy aimed directly at Xavion.

Xavion snorted coldly, and a surge of energy erupted from his body. This energy resembled the relentless waves of the vast ocean, crashing one after another!

Wave after wave of sword energy was directly repelled, and Jared’s sword strike was instantly neutralized. Undeterred, Jared followed up with his Sacred Light Fist.

At this point, Jared had almost depleted all his spiritual power, draconic energy, and even the nascence power within him. The only strength he could rely on was the physical power of his own body.

The Sacred Light Fist was the most suitable technique for this situation, utilizing the fundamental power of the body.

Golden light erupted from Jared’s fist, and countless fist shadows rained down like cannonballs towards Xavion!

Sacred Light Fist, Xavion

your spiritual energy and resorted to the strength of your physical body? Surely you don’t intend

a sudden jab, countless beams of spiritual light flickered, directly blocking Jared’s Sacred Light

show; he possessed genuine strength. Witnessing Xavion’s arrogant demeanor, Jared

a mouthful of blood essence. The Dragonslayer Sword trembled violently,

the point of burning his blood essence. If Zelda hadn’t been injured, he wouldn’t have ended up in such a

was likely unable to draw it at present. Even if he

person’s talent will arouse the envy of others.” If Jared were to reveal too many of his powerful weapons, he would


your blood essence won’t do

rose from Xavion’s body, forming a colossal skeleton behind him, exuding a lethal intent. The myriad of sword lights enveloped Rosetta, who collided with

kept retreating, his face growing increasingly grim. Even by burning his blood essence, Jared

and the massive skull formed from the black mist also vanished

the Dragonslayer Sword, his forehead covered


Xavion and felt extremely anxious. However, her anxiety was in vain as members of the Demon Seal Alliance stopped her, making it impossible for her to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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