In a mansion nestled deep in the mountains, Arthur was engrossed in his writing. However, his complexion revealed the toll that his recent battle with Rudy had taken on him. Losing one of his shadow clones had greatly drained Arthur’s vitality.

But after a period of rest and recovery, he had made significant progress. Suddenly, a young woman dressed in a white gown entered to deliver a report, “Mr. Sanders, Jared has killed the son of the leader of the Demon Seal Alliance…”

Arthur paused in his writing, leaving an ink blot on the word he had just written.

“That guy hasn’t been here for long, and yet he’s already caused such a huge disturbance?” Arthur said with a bitter smile. “What level of cultivation has Jared reached now?”

“He’s only a First Level Tribulator, but he possesses several divine weapons. Even when he fought against those Sixth Level Tribulators, he showed no fear. Moreover, he has obtained a Celestial Devourer from the ancient ruins of the Celestial Battlefield… the young woman explained.

“A Celestial Devourer? The mount of the Vermilion Demon Lord?”

A hint of surprise crossed Arthur’s face. Clearly, these were unexpected developments!

“It’s a newly hatched Celestial Devourer, so l presume it may not be of much use yet,” the woman hastily clarified.

Upon hearing this, Arthur had a sudden realization and asked, “I knew that old fellow couldn’t possibly appear in the Ethereal Realm. Has there been any recent activity from the Fire Incineration Sect?”


It seems I can enjoy

picked up another piece of paper and resumed

will likely launch

he’s not

likely the corrupt individuals will reveal themselves. Besides, it’s high time the order in the Ethereal

he once again

Arthur’s demeanor, the woman quietly left the

Blood Spirit Valley, since the valley’s leader, Igor, was absent, all the disciples were peacefully cultivating. Compared to the disciples of Bloodroot

their cultivation,

indeed been killed by Jared, Helmut couldn’t contain his anger. Knowing that Jared was with Igor, he

“Igor, come out immediately!”

at the entrance of Blood Spirit

approached. “Mr. Koritnik,” they said, “our master is not in the valley. May we ask why you are looking

Helmut and Igor had both studied under the same master, the two disciples from Blood Spirit Valley treated him

murderous intent. “Is he truly not

Koritnik, Master is really not

Blood Spirit Valley

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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