Lion Archon roared in fury, his aura bursting forth as he prepared to strike at any moment. Tension flared between the two sides, and they were on the verge of coming to blows.

“Lion Archon, please don’t act impulsively!”

Thousand-Faced Demon Archon remained rational. He knew that engaging in a fight would put them at a disadvantage. If things went wrong, all four of them might meet their end right there.

Thus, he stopped Lion Archon from acting impulsively.

“Mr. Delacroix, let’s calmly discuss this. We will go with you…” Thousand-Faced Demon Archon hastily spoke.

Seeing the situation, Lauden turned to Heinrik and said, “Mr. Darkmore, since they are willing to come with us, there’s no need for violence.”

Heinrik snorted coldly before retracting his aura.

Lion Archon was unwilling, he had no choice. After all, he couldn’t defeat the people from the Five Great

Thousand-Faced Demon Archon,” Lauden

had no choice but to follow Lauden to the headquarters

Five Great Sects was located in a depression south of Demonia Mountain. To reach there from Demonia Mountain, one

of the Five Great Sects was located was a

Great Sects established their sects here, and this place

five sects were situated according to the positions of the Five Elements and

This was the central hub of the Five Great Sects, where the leaders of these sects would often convene for

they were subsequently watched with


Lauden could speak, Heinrik interjected, “Stop pretending. Don’t you know why you were brought here? Aren’t you aware of what you’ve done on

words left Thousand-Faced Demon Archon and his

do in the Celestial Battlefield?” Thousand-Faced Demon Archon

keep pretending! I want to see how long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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