“Don’t be afraid. I’m here to assist you…”

To everyone’s surprise, Jared began communicating with the telepathic beast. However, the telepathic beast ignored Jared’s words and responded by emitting a terrifying aura and letting out a roar.

“Oh no…”

Evindal immediately cried out in alarm upon witnessing the situation. He knew that the roar and aura of the telepathic beast were incredibly terrifying.

Despite this, Jared remained motionless, allowing the terrifying aura to approach him. The aura shook several arcane arrays, but Jared’s body remained completely still.

Although Jared was only a First Level Tribulator cultivator, his strength was unshakable to the telepathic beast. Evindal was utterly dumbfounded upon witnessing this scene.

“Is… Is this the cultivation level of a First Level Tribulator cultivator?”

was filled with disbelief. Realizing that its roar had no effect on Jared, the telepathic beast retreated, planning to

won’t harm

soft glow onto the telepathic beast’s body. The light formed a halo around

beast gradually calmed down, and the

“What’s happening?”

Feenix were also somewhat dumbfounded by this scene. The telepathic beast had completely calmed down. Under the


watched as the telepathic beast calmed down

emerge, Evindal asked with a

choose to end their own lives…. Jared said with

and Catina asked

and was disturbed by this lethal intent. I used magecraft to block that lethal intent, and the telepathic beast immediately calmed down. It seems that this lethal intent was the cause. From the beginning, I sensed an unusual aura,

didn’t I sense the

level, she should have noticed what Jared did. It was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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