Upon hearing Vilhelm’s words, Jennifer was seething with anger, gritting her teeth. Jared even delivered a resounding slap.


Vilhelm’s face swelled from the impact.

“Are you out of your mind? Do you think the Demon Seal Alliance is like your father, aiding your growth? All they’re doing is using you as their pawn. Under the guise of eradicating evil to maintain peace, the Demon Seal Alliance recruited countless cultivators. In reality, their aim was not to eradicate the Demon Cultivators, but to control and collaborate with them. What capabilities does your Summers family possess? Apart from some proficiency in magecraft and charms, what else about the Summers family could possibly attract the attention of the Demon Seal Alliance? Once you, the Summers family, have handed over everything you know to the Demon Seal Alliance, see how they will treat you. How foolish…”

Jared wished he could slap these two elders to death. How could there be such ignorant people in this world?

If the Summers family truly joined the Demon Seal Alliance and became a branch, they would have no autonomy whatsoever. They would be mere puppets.

After Vilhelm was slapped by Jared, his eyes filled with a menacing glare.

“Hmph, who do you think you are meddling in the affairs of our Summers family? Now that you have us in your hands, do as you wish. Kill or torture, it’s up to you. However, I am willing to die for the prosperity and flourishing of the Summers family. My death is honorable, and it’s worth it. Sooner or later, the Summers family will remember this day.”

coldly, speaking without a trace of fear. Seeing Vilhelm’s stubborn demeanor, Jared instantly lost the desire to

his skull.

it weren’t for his somewhat cordial relationship with Tyler, Jared would have had no interest in meddling with

and prepared to


Catina, then turned to Jared and said, “Mr. Chance, Mr. Vilhelm has always been loyal to the Summers family. He was merely led astray. I still hope that his life can be spared. I believe

didn’t want to

were to be killed as well, the

Tyler regained control of the Summers family, she was afraid the family’s former strength

Summers family is being held captive, and I can spare your life,” Jared

the Demon Seal Alliance. Mr. Oscar once said that as long as the Summers family joined the Demon Seal Alliance, Mr. Tyler could be released. By then, it would be set in stone,

so infuriated that

was so forceful that

was quite taken aback, thinking that Jared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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