Dozens of shadow clones hurriedly made their way towards the Henningsen residence.

The Henningsen family members had also noticed the intrusion and rushed out one after another, wielding various divine weapons to confront the intruders.

Jared, wearing his Golem Body, held the Dragonslayer Sword in his hand, emitting waves of golden light.

Occasionally, the sound of a dragon’s roar resonated from behind Jared.

Upon seeing the Henningsen family members rushing out to block his path, Jared unsheathed his sword and struck.

The others also unleashed their spiritual energy, directing it towards the members of the Henningsen family.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Jared’s Dragonslayer Sword struck out several times in succession.

Successive sword energies astonishingly transformed into roaring golden dragons, charging towards the crowd from the Henningsen family.

that seizing the initiative as soon as possible

slain on the spot by Jared’s sword energy. Seeing Jared’s

high-level cultivators at the Seventh or Eighth Level Tribulator. For them, slaying ordinary disciples from the Henningsen family was a piece of

a snake-shaped sword,

was done

Henningsen family was caught off guard. The initial assault

Russell hastily led people over and

that they were already battling within the Henningsen residence, they had gained a significant advantage. With the addition of Russell, Jared and

fight the Henningsen family with all our might. You should go save my

Tyler first!” Oscar also

the situation, Catina and Montane Daemon quickly followed suit. They were afraid that Jared might face danger in

with the Demon Seal Alliance for many years, and his strength had already reached

couldn’t handle

Their goal was to hold these people back, giving Jared a chance to save

family Originally, he planned to join the Demon Seal Alliance, which could have propelled the

the Summers family. Once they were

do you know where the head of

then I would know

released a wave of his spiritual sense, directing it towards the Henningsen residence’s backyard to

eyes was intended to secretly prompt Tyler to set up a small

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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