The entire light curtain had vanished, leaving only the fire sacred bead and the Savior Stone emitting a glow at that moment!

All the pressure within the Holy Pond had disappeared, and the pool’s bottom had become incredibly calm!

“Mr. Chance, it seems you have offended an immortal. If you were to ascend to immortality and enter the realm of the immortals, would you face retribution?” Faiyar spoke to Jared.

“Forget about it. Given the situation just now, if I hadn’t cursed him and let Ilias walk out of the light curtain, we would have been done for,” Jared said as he picked up the fire sacred bead.

When Jared held the Savior Stone in his hand, the Focus Technique within him surprisingly began to revolve on its own, continuously absorbing the essence within the Savior Stone!

Jared looked surprised, but he quickly regained his composure. He sat cross-legged and began to refine the energy within him.

Perhaps with the Savior Stone, Jared’s cultivation level could be elevated to the next level!

At that time, Jared could finally practice in peace, as time slipped away minute by minute.

the Holy Pond, Russell and other members of

yet there was no sign of

period of turmoil, the Holy Pond immediately regained its

his men, had been intently watching the Holy

been silent for such a long time. Could it be that…”

is a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator. There’s absolutely no way he could be in trouble. Let’s just wait a bit longer,”

Russell was the one calling the shots. Rueben had returned to

but also Montane Daemon and others

time now, hasn’t he? Could something have happened?” Montane Daemon furrowed his

out the Henningsen residence? Logically speaking, after such a long time, no matter what Mr.

into the Henningsen residence?” Catina cast

had already evacuated.

and Cloud, if they were to intrude into the Henningsen residence, how could

the head of the Henningsen family was a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator. Even Montane Daemon was

going to keep waiting

themselves in a dilemma at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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