At the bottom of the Holy Pond, Jared was surrounded by a radiant white light, resembling a sacred glow.

A surge of white aura emanated from Jared’s body as the lightning tribulation struck him, but it was immediately repelled by the white aura.

The Savior Stone’s essence, embodied in the aura, had been completely absorbed by Jared. As the aura continued to surge, the water in the Holy Pond appeared to boil, constantly churning and bubbling.

Suddenly, the water in the Holy Pond burst forth, transforming into jets of water shooting in all directions.

This unexpected turn of events caused everyone to retreat. Following the explosion, a figure emerged from the water, soaring out of the Holy Pond.

“Welcome home, Mr. Henningsen,” Russell quickly knelt down in reverence upon seeing the situation.

The rest of the Henningsen family followed suit, kneeling down one after another. Meanwhile, Tyler’s group was fixated on the figure that had emerged from the water.

It was only when the figure levitated in mid-air that Tyler and the others could clearly see his appearance.


by the moment, they began to cheer, especially Catina, whose eyes were filled with tears of

had already developed strong feelings for Jared. She would have given her

a white glow as if a deity had

tribulation struck Jared, yet he remained completely

Stone was indeed different from


of the Henningsen family was dumbfounded upon witnessing the scene before

the Henningsen

couldn’t understand why such a formidable lightning tribulation cloud had formed for

couldn’t even faze Jared. It was as if it was merely


Henningsen family stared blankly at Jared, who was suspended in mid-air, unable to comprehend what was

Jared had already completed

Second Level Tribulator cultivation level, exhibited a noticeable change in his

below him, his voice stern and furious. “Your family head has already been executed by me. Do you still dare to resist? Anyone who

words struck the hearts of the

in disbelief, shaking his head vigorously. “Mr. Henningsen is a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator. How could you, a mere

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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