Several hours later, Jared and his group reached the summit of a hill.

Below the hillside, clusters of houses were scattered. At first glance, they seemed randomly placed, but upon closer inspection, it was discovered that these houses were surprisingly constructed according to the principles of the Five Elements and the Eight Diagrams.

These houses formed a circle, with a building standing at the center. This was where the five major sects held their collective meetings.

“Mr. Chance, this is the residence of the Five Great Sects. They are the Celestial Dawn Sect, Celestial Darkmore Sect, Celestial Delacroix Sect, Celestial Moon Sect, and Celestial Sun Sect. Among them, the leader of Celestial Delacroix Sect is considered the foremost among the Five Great Sects. Additionally, the leader of Celestial Darkmore Sect, Heinrik, is known for his ruthlessness. Originally, the Five Great Sects originated from a single ancestor and gradually developed into the Five Great Sects we know today. However, when there is a matter at hand, the Five Great Sects act as one, making them no different from a single sect. If indeed the incident at Blood Spirit Valley was orchestrated by the Five Great Sects, I hope Mr. Chance won’t act rashly. Otherwise, I fear we may not be able to escape their clutches,” Tyler followed Jared, introducing the Five Great Sects.

“Okay!” Jared nodded, realizing that it was impossible for their small group to contend against the Five Great Sects.

others down from the high ridge, heading towards the

Great Sects were all protected by an arcane array. The seemingly invisible energy shield

side of the arcane array, there was only one entrance that led to the sect’s inner sanctum. However, the entrance

territory of the Five Great Sects?” a guard

After establishing their sects, it became their private territory, where others were

region were quite powerful, so

over to the guard. “Esteemed sir, I am Tyler from the illustrious Summers family of Forlisle.

immediately smiled. He pocketed the coin and nodded, saying, “Ah, Mr. Summers. Please wait a

Jared hadn’t expected that even in the Ethereal Realm, worldly customs couldn’t be escaped. It seemed Tyler had to appease the gatekeeper, or else they wouldn’t even be able to enter the main

Sects, several sect leaders

that Jared has escaped? We haven’t been able to find him for so many days. If he’s found, I’ll be the first to punish him for daring to harm

and four archons of the beast race

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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