“Mr. Darkmore, what should we do?” Edward asked in a low voice.

“What else could be done…”

Heinrik glanced apprehensively at Lauden not far away, his face full of helplessness.

However, deep within Heinrik’s eyes, a strong dissatisfaction had already taken root. At that moment, the rift among the Five Great Sects had already emerged.

“Are we just standing by and watching Jared leave? These are Demon Seal Alliance’s hundred-year worth offerings!” Edward said discontentedly.

“Don’t worry. He won’t get away. Since we can’t take action ourselves, let’s have someone else do the job. We’ll get our share of the benefits when the time comes!” After Heinrik finished speaking, he directly pulled out a communication device and crushed it.

Heinrik spread the news of Jared’s recent departure from the Five Great Sects.

At that moment, Jared, who was on the road, was still unaware that his whereabouts had been leaked.

“Mr. Chance, you should go on your own. Don’t worry about

Jared’s speed would be slowed down if he were to lead them. If they were to encounter anyone who

ahead. Don’t worry about us anymore,” Igor also said

of you behind. Demonia Mountain is vast but sparsely populated,

was impossible for Jared to leave

distance, dozens of figures suddenly

the situation, Jared and his

ahead. If the worst comes to worst, I’ll sacrifice myself to

Montane Daemon knew

all severely injured at

way Jared could handle the

so pessimistic. Perhaps these people aren’t really

deep down, Jared was

of figures had already blocked Jared’s path. Each of those individuals wore a gloomy expression, and their bodies were shrouded

could tell they

of those people, there were two individuals dressed in

the aura of a

Demonia Mountain.” Upon seeing the newcomers, Igor stepped forward with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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