Under the onslaught of Thunder Palm, Maverick clenched his teeth tightly. The black mist around his body continuously solidified, forming a sturdy shield.


With a fierce blow, the strike landed squarely on Maverick. In an instant, Maverick’s body sank deeply into the ground, swallowed up by the resulting crater.

Upon seeing Jared unexpectedly defeat both Maverick and Broden, Igor and the others were also extremely astonished.

One should know that Jared’s enemies were Sixth Level Tribulators. Moreover, Broden was someone who had even comprehended lightning nascence.

Compared to them, Jared was merely a Second Level Tribulator.

At that moment, Maverick’s and Broden’s subordinates were staring ahead, filled with disbelief.

Everyone was gaping as they watched in silence, forgetting even to flee!

Two Sixth Level Tribulators were directly defeated by a Second Level Tribulator.

Moreover, the victory was achieved with ease, a result that blew everyone’s mind.

believe their own eyes. After all, these Demonic Cultivators had never witnessed such a

and went against a Seventh Level Tribulator,

were quickly defeated by Jared,

amazing!” Cloud exclaimed

expected that Jared could so

there would be a

think you’re tough? Do you really think that we brothers would

the depths of the pit, and then, his figure flew

seemed somewhat disheveled, he appeared to not have sustained any serious

in that state, Jared’s brow furrowed

hadn’t expected Maverick to survive the

a Sixth Level Tribulator

two of us

moment, from another deep pit,

was covered in blood, clearly more

on Broden had almost depleted. However, at that moment, Broden was shrouded in a black mist,

saw that Broden was not dead, Jared’s demeanor became even more

Five Great Sects due to his

his cultivation level further, the two brothers would have

felt an intense sense of urgency. He wanted to grow stronger

subordinates, they all breathed a sigh of relief

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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