“I’m not certain about that. It might be related to the Sacrificial Blood Array. It’s quite clear that only the blood essence from one of blood demon descent can activate the array. They must have concealed their identities because they feared others would discover they possessed the formation plate and try to seize it. After all, they are only Sixth Level Tribulators, who aren’t considered particularly powerful in Ethereal Realm. If someone truly intended to rob them, they would have a hard time defending themselves,” Faiyar explained to Jared.

“That’s highly likely. These two fellows are quite cunning. The fact that have completely revealed their identities and brought out their formation plate means they’re prepared for a showdown.”

Jared’s eyes narrowed slightly, his hands tightly gripping Demon Flogger and Dragonslayer Sword.

Since Maverick and Broden had revealed their trump cards, Jared could not afford to be careless.

“Maverick, Broden, you and I are of the same blood demon descent. I urge you both to stand down,” Igor loudly addressed Maverick and Broden.

“Igor, spare me your emotional appeals. Once we’ve dealt with Jared, you’ll be next. The trump cards we brothers hold close to our chest can never be revealed to anyone.”

At this point, there was no way Maverick possibly back down.

Suddenly, a faint white light emerged from within Maverick’s body. Following this, his soul was seen separating from his physical body.

was happening to Broden. His soul instantly separated from his physical body, subsequently merging with the red mist of

bodies. However, the two beams of white light were continuously colliding

crimson figures materialized, their

within the formation seemed to

that involved discarding the physical body and using only the

had no idea to what extent the two enemies could

simultaneously attacked with Dragonslayer

downpour, while the demonic fire on

Boom, boom, boom…

time, Jared dared not be careless at all, giving it his all from the very

and clusters of fireballs astonishingly passed through the bodies of Maverick and Broden,


brow furrowed, as he

that physical attacks may not cause them much


the blood-red spirits

swirled around the

thwarted by this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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