But now, the red figure in front of him had no consciousness field, so the Demon Flogger was of no use.

Jared put away the Demon Flogger and swung his Dragonslayer Sword, enveloping the red figure in rays of light.

However, the rays of light also passed through without causing any harm to the red figure.

At this moment, Jared panicked. The red figure should have a physical body. Why can’t even the Dragonslayer Sword cause any harm?

As Jared was deep in thought, the red figure made his move, striking Jared and forcing him to retreat once again.

Jared spat out another mouthful of blood, his complexion growing even more ghastly.

For a moment, no matter what tactics Jared employed, he couldn’t harm the red figure in the slightest. Instead, he was the one who ended up taking the hits.

Jared was no longer on the offensive; instead, he was constantly evading using Blazing Stride, all the while contemplating how to deal with the red figure.

How could he possibly defeat a nearly invincible entity?

Even so, Jared couldn’t outlast his opponent in this drawn-out battle. After all, the enemy had a powerful formation continuously supplying him with strength.

the red

to break the

furrowed his brows, completely at a loss for what to

anxious, which only served to slow his movements, allowing the red figure to strike

Jared possessed Golem Body, and coupled with his own robust physique, he managed to withstand the blow without

anyone else, they would have been

at the Eighth Level of Tribulator would be impossible even for a genius at the

level couldn’t be bridged by talent

don’t panic. Try to trap him first, then focus on breaking the formation. As long as you can break the formation, he will no

this, even with his robust physique, he wouldn’t be able to withstand

give it

words, Jared began to calm down. He used his agility to dodge and then started

to trap the red figure by setting

ground. Jared used a formation combined with metal nascence to trap

cruelly coiled around the legs of the red figure, swiftly enveloping

red figure struggled and roared

Jared no longer paid attention to the red figure and looked at the large

array runes on the ground were still

continuously provided power to the bizarre, red creature. The array runes were incredibly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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