“The formation really is gone. It’s broken…” Maverick’s voice could be heard through the red figure’s mouth.

“Kid, even if you’ve managed to break our formation, don’t think you can escape,” Broden roared in anger.

“Who said I was planning to escape? Without this formation, how long can you maintain your current state? Moreover, your physical bodies have already turned to ashes. I have a hundred ways to make your lives worse than death,” Jared said with a teasing look.

The Hoover brothers were thrown into a panic.

Without the formation, they simply couldn’t maintain this state for long.

“Kid, since you’ve destroyed our physical bodies, we will take possession of yours. Your body seems quite robust. We can even use it to settle our affairs when the time comes.”

The red figure charged straight toward Jared, his crimson eyes filled with murderous intent.

Upon seeing the two people being fooled, Jared immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The fact that they actually wanted to seize his own body filled his heart with wild joy.

anyone could destroy Jared’s consciousness field. Besides, within Jared’s consciousness field resided the Golden

attempt to seize my body, you mustn’t reveal yourself. Just stay quietly within

I understand. They’re naive to dare to challenge

him, and with a single

red figure, and

which the blood mist headed straight for

Jared’s consciousness field to tremble. Jared himself appeared

out a miserable cry, much to the delight

brothers began relentlessly assailing Jared’s consciousness field, intent on seizing control of

enveloped by

after, Jared’s eyes lost their light, and the red figure abruptly disintegrated, transforming


“Maverick, it’s done…”

voice of Broden surprisingly

When the time comes to seize another body for you, we will live freely

his satisfaction

possesses lightning nascence. I desire his body. It’s the most compatible


can’t compare to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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