“Let’s hurry up and leave. If we run into anyone else, it will be troublesome,” Tyler said.

They were all injured, and Jared himself had been in continuous battle. If more people were to come, it would spell trouble.

“All right, let’s go…” Montane Daemon nodded.

Jared, along with a few others, set off toward Forlisle once again. However, they had barely taken a few steps when they were met by an imposing crowd of hundreds coming their way.

They had thought these people had no idea who Jared was, and it would be best if they could just bluff their way through.

However, as soon as the others drew near, everyone’s expressions changed instantly.

To everyone’s surprise, the person leading the group was none other than Russell, Russell from Henningsen City.

Behind him, a vast crowd of over a hundred people followed, dressed in all sorts of attire. They likely did not belong to a single clan or noble family.

Upon seeing Jared, Russell immediately sneered, “Kid, I’d like to see where you can run to today… This young man is Jared. Anyone who can kill him can exchange for a hundred years of offering from the Demon Seal Alliance…”

statement from Russell set off a chorus of uproarious shouts from

greed. They wished they

of people, each of their faces ashen as if they were staring at death

Jared had lost his

if he were more formidable, what could he possibly do when faced with hundreds of Tribulator

faces were ashen and who were devoid of any

Russell waved his hand, and hundreds

a strange thumping sound echoing from the distance. Immediately following that, the earth began to tremble, as if a myriad

casting an intangible pressure that weighed heavily

the land, smoke and dust rolled in like ocean


flying creatures were fluttering their

hundreds of various demon

Archon, Thousand-Faced Demon Archon, and

washed over Jared when

laughed lightly. “Your timing couldn’t have been better. Otherwise, you might

Queen, it doesn’t matter whether we see you or not. We just

Archon looked at Feenix with a sly and

helped you so much in the past,” Feenix said excitedly. Russell looked at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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