“Mr. Chance, why are you stopping me? I’m afraid Igor might not be able to hold on much longer!” Montane Daemon asked Jared, puzzled.

“No need to rush. Let’s wait and see,” Jared replied.

“Helmut is able to harness the power of the arcane array, greatly enhancing his strength. If things continue like this, I fear Igor will be defeated.”

Montane Daemon couldn’t understand why Jared had asked him to wait.

“Let Mr. Lothian take care of it himself until the very end,” Jared said. Upon seeing Jared’s firm refusal to let him intervene, Montane Daemon could only give up and anxiously watched Igor.

Igor could feel the surge of power emanating from Helmut’s body, and he dared not take it lightly.


Igor swung a punch, and the two individuals collided heavily, much like shooting stars.

Within this arcane array, the void trembled, giving rise to ripples one after another.

Fortunately, the arcane array was there to block it. If not, the entire Bloodroot Peak would have been completely destroyed under the power of this punch.


two fists collided, an endless surge of power radiating in waves from all around. This force then struck

within the array, it was as if the end


Igor’s body plummeted like a meteorite, rapidly descending from

lay on the ground, into which


of Igor, Helmut immediately burst into

of blood at the corner of his mouth, struggled

“Mr. Chance…”

Montane Daemon

point, if no help was given, Igor

remained motionless, his facial expression unchanged,

situation had absolutely no relation to

since Jared didn’t speak up, Montane Daemon

Now, I

ferocity, and the strength within

battle, it was certain that Helmut would suffer backlash from the arcane array.

he were to die, he would drag Igor down with him. Otherwise,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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