Jared gently patted the shoulder of Montane Daemon, as a gesture of comfort. The predicament the demons found themselves in today was certainly someone’s calculated scheme.

There was also the Celestial Battle, there was definitely someone manipulating things behind the scenes.

The Celestial Battle wasn’t confined to just the Ethereal Realm. It was a chaotic war that spanned across numerous planes.

“Mr. Daemon, I firmly believe that it won’t take long for the three clans to coexist harmoniously. The entire cultivation world will surely flourish. Back then, be it the human race, the demons, or the beast race, all were treated equally,” Jared said in a calm and nonchalant manner.

“I hope for that day to come…”

In the eyes of Montane Daemon, there was a glimmer of hope.

“I won’t ask for equal treatment. All I hope for is a clear distinction between right and wrong in the eyes of the public. Although I am a Demonic Cultivator, I abided by the rules and kept my promises. Yet, some of the so-called upright and reputable sects of the human race were even worse than us Demonic Cultivators.

an upright and prestigious organization, proclaiming their mission to eradicate demons and protect the righteous path. However, the deeds they carried out were nothing short of despicable. In the entire Ethereal Realm now, where was there any distinction between good and evil? Many in

hearing Igor’s words, Jared could

his identity as a Demonic Cultivator, he

Dalton nearly lost their lives due to

it not been for Jared, Rosetta and Dalton would have

and Dalton did nothing

had not committed any outrageous

unchangeable identities, they suffered the criticism and persecution of

and left. As

safer being alone. Having altered his appearance and aura, no

others were with him, there would certainly be people who could deduce

the disciples of Bloodroot Peak down

point forward, Bloodroot Peak was no

a disheveled manner, among them was Serena Pruitt, a woman dressed in green. She wore a gem on her chest, which shimmered

said, “Serena, take the Demonia Dragon Ginseng and go ahead, I’ll stay

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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