Clifford gritted his teeth in frustration, yet he was utterly helpless.

Upon hearing that the man and woman in green were from the Soul Demon Sect, Faiyar exclaimed in shock, “Soul Demon Sect? I never thought there were still living Demonic Cultivators of the Soul Demon Sect in this world!”

“Faiyar, what kind of sect is this Soul Demon Sect? Is it good or bad?” Jared asked.

Since Faiyar was so astonished, he must certainly know about this Soul Demon Sect!

“Mr. Chance, the members of Soul Demon Sect are also Demonic Cultivators, but they are not like other Demonic Cultivators. Their sect has deep research into the soul, and the members of the Soul Demon Sect all prefer to attack the opponent’s soul. That peculiar aura from earlier should be the doing of someone from the Soul Demon Sect. As for the morality of the Soul Demon Sect, it is impossible to judge definitively. Rumor has it that the ancient founder of the Soul Demon Sect was once a ruler of a kingdom from the mundane world. In a battle between nations, the hundred thousand soldiers he led all perished on the battlefield. Only the ruler of this kingdom remained alive, yet he was deeply immersed in self-reproach. Consequently, he spent his days seated beside the corpses of his hundred thousand soldiers, praying for the repose of their souls.

the king harnessed the power of these hundred thousand souls, embarked on a path of cultivation, and founded the Soul Demon Sect. The primary focus of this sect was the study of

mainstream Demonic Cultivators. As a result, they were often ostracized.

Demonia Mountain. The Soul Demon Sect hasn’t really done anything outrageously evil. They used the souls of the deceased, and wouldn’t easily seize the souls

the origins of the Soul Demon

which sect those other people belong to?”

cultivators. However, anyone that roams deep within Demonia Mountain is likely not benevolent,” Faiyar

Demonia Dragon Ginseng they’re talking about? Is it very valuable?”

comes to matters of Demonia Mountain, I’m afraid I’m in the dark. After all, I’ve never stayed in Demonia Mountain. However, it seems that this Demonia Dragon Ginseng must be

speaking, intently observing the situation

was a Sixth

their level of cultivation, Jared could handle them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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