At that moment, Frankie seemed to regain his senses. His entire demeanor turned ferocious as he looked at the Soulbinding Bead in his hand and swallowed it without hesitation.

The expression on Serena’s face turned sour when she saw Frankie swallow the Soulbinding Bead.

Waves of a unique aura continuously assaulted Frankie, attempting to force his soul out.

Frankie stared at Serena, his gaze as venomous as a snake’s. He couldn’t believe he had fallen for this woman’s trick.

“You dare to deceive me! Die!”

Frankie brandished a long sword in his hand, a dark spiritual light enveloping it. Then, with a swift and fierce stroke, he directed it toward Serena.

In the blink of an eye, the long sword sliced through the void, whistling toward her, threatening to cleave her in two.

Serena faced Frankie’s sword, her eyes filled with terror. She wanted to dodge, but she simply couldn’t avoid it.

closed her eyes, resigned to

“Serena! Serena!”

wanted to protect Serena. However,

about to meet her tragic

a tragic end, a shadowy figure appeared in the

with an outstretched hand, astonishingly seized the

one among them had noticed how suddenly there was an

busybody!” Frankie berated Jared. At this point, Jared appeared to be a middle- aged man, and his aura seemed

the ability to block a strike from

to stand up to injustice. You can say

How dare a mere

withdrew his long sword, and with a

on the other hand, sidestepped, dodging the sword,


with a sudden gasp, the Soulbinding Bead he had

on her chest sparkled. Immediately after, a peculiar aura enveloped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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