Listening to Jared’s words, Trystan hesitated. At this moment, Serena and Clifford quickly interjected, “Master, please heed Mr. Chadwick’s advice. Perhaps it might indeed lead to success. If you continue to hesitate, I’m afraid you might truly miss your chance!”

Finally, Trystan nodded and said, “All right, then. Let’s give it a try…”

Since death was inevitable either way, they decided to make a last-ditch effort.

Upon seeing that Trystan had agreed, Jared stepped forward and placed his hand on Trystan’s wrist. A surge of spiritual energy instantly entered Trystan’s body, swiftly circulating within him.

Jared’s brows were tightly furrowed as he uttered in a subdued tone, “His internal organs have already deteriorated, and his body is filled with a strong wave of death energy. What’s even more difficult is that there are signs of his soul beginning to dissipate.”

“Mr. Chadwick, our Soul Demon Sect possesses pills that can strengthen the soul. Therefore, you need not worry about the spiritual aspect. We have ways to protect your master’s soul from dissipating. Mr. Chadwick, I implore you not to let my master’s health continue to deteriorate. His life force must not diminish any further…” Serena said to Jared.

Please fetch the pill. There’s no time to delay. I will assist Mr.

Jared offered the pills he had been refining over the past two days, insisting

coursing through his body. He was on the verge of breaking through the bottleneck of his cultivation

this was also the most perilous moment. The instant the bottleneck was broken through, a

Trystan’s health, they feared the first lightning tribulation might reduce him to

also brought forth the pill that protected the soul from

“Mr. Chadwick, under these circumstances, could Master withstand the lightning tribulation? You must understand that the lightning tribulation cannot be directly taken on by another person. If it were possible for someone else to take his

used that allowed Trystan to survive the terrifying lightning tribulation, especially in such a weakened

isn’t foolproof, but

and asked, “Mr. Pruitt, how much longer will it take to break

now. Otherwise, the lightning tribulation could strike down at any moment.” At that moment, Trystan was also in a

live, he would surely seize it

and break through. What must be, must

reached out and grabbed Trystan. A surge of the Power of Dragons

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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