“I understand. I understand…” Trystan repeatedly nodded. After all, Jared’s identity was extremely mysterious at that time.

After Jared had infused him with the Power of Dragons, Trystan had already become aware of Jared’s deliberate concealment of his aura.

Trystan even thought Jared had altered his appearance, but no matter what the reason was for Jared, Trystan had no intention of delving deeper. After all, it was Jared who had saved his life.

“Master, within Mr. Chadwick there resides a soul remnant, that of his friend. It has been dwelling within him, and he wishes to restore a physical body for his friend…”

Upon hearing this, Trystan gave a slight smile and said, “What’s so difficult about physical body restoration? Mr. Chadwick, please follow me…”

Trystan rose, then proceeded to walk with Jared toward the depths of the sect.

It was not until they reached the place where the soul flowers bloomed that Trystan finally stopped.

“Mr. Chadwick, please release the soul remnant of your friend. Here, the soul flowers provide protection, ensuring your friend’s soul remnant will not dissipate,” Trystan said to Jared.

“All right…”

to Faiyar and said, “Faiyar, I am offering to restore

a matter could


in Jared’s consciousness field, where he could gain a lot of insights, Faiyar longed to have

heart pounding with

Faiyar’s agreement, Jared casually made a

the remnant of Faiyar’s soul flew out, landing within the soul

very weak. It wasn’t a complete soul. At that time, Jared was controlling Faiyar’s soul remnant, merely wanting to learn about the demon spirits from him.

very cooperative with Jared. Moreover, Faiyar’s

weak soul

the protective aura of the soul flowers surrounding him, the energy of heaven and earth might

me. Prepare the Soul Stablizing Towers immediately…”


two of them waved their hands, and a surge of aura rushed in

towers flew in from all directions, subsequently landing at the

Trystan’s surge of spiritual energy, a faint white mist slowly emerged from within the four

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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