“Mr. Chance, what happened?” Faiyar asked upon taking in Jared’s demeanor.

Jared looked around the cave and said, “It seems there’s an arcane array within this cave, rendering my time magical item completely useless.”

“There’s no sign of array runes here, so how could there be an arcane array?” Faiyar also glanced around.

Jared found it peculiar. He hadn’t noticed the presence of any arcane array, yet when he had just activated the time magical item, it was clear that the process of time reversal had begun, only to be obstructed by a beam of golden light.

It was clear that the golden light was emitted from something within the cave. At that moment, aside from Jared and his companions, there was not a single living thing in the cave. Apart from an arcane array, Jared couldn’t think of anything else it could be.

However, there were no inscriptions of array runes around, so how was the arcane array formed?

Jared was utterly baffled.

Faiyar observed the strange characters on the surrounding stone walls and exclaimed in shock, “Mr. Chance, the techniques inscribed on the stone walls of this cave are so advanced. They don’t seem to belong to the Ethereal Realm at all.”

techniques should have been inscribed by the demon immortal. Isn’t it rumored that a great demon lord is suppressed under Demonia Mountain? Perhaps, he was the one who inscribed them. You can seize this opportunity to note down these techniques. Then,

those techniques originated. That was

dare to hope to learn them all.” Faiyar spoke, then sat down

discovered that among those techniques, some of the carved symbols were unexpectedly shimmering with

do you see any symbols that can emit light among

I didn’t notice anything.”

brow, then once again began to study the technique. Indeed, within the array of characters in the arcane array,

eyes, activating his spiritual sense. Subsequently, the entire

symbols could be seen in

are actually array runes! Jared was taken

had actually concealed the arcane array within

runes. Subsequently, accompanied by a flash of golden light, Jared felt as

longer in sight, and neither were Faiyar and

he couldn’t


find the arcane array’s core, and then he could directly shatter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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