Trystan briefly arranged the affairs of the sect, then, accompanied by Jared, he prepared to head toward Demonia Sect!

Clifford, Serena, and Faiyar had also followed along on the journey!

“Master, Demonia Sect has always kept its distance from other sects. Won’t we meet with a rebuff if we try to demand the Demonia Stone from them?” Clifford hadn’t even set off yet, and he was already speaking in such a disheartened manner!

In truth, Trystan knew he wasn’t certain, but even if there was a sliver of hope, he had to give it a try. It was far better than Jared

aimlessly searching for the Demonia Stone!

“Even if there’s a one in ten thousand chance, we should still give it a try!” said Trystan.

“If Demonia Sect refuses to give it, I can exchange it with something else!” Jared also began to speak!

Jared would never take something for nothing. In his storage ring, he still had plenty of mystical herbs and spiritual stones among other resources. He could trade those!

know how precious that Demonic Stone is? It isn’t something that

Faiyar reshaped his physical form and started to act affectionately with Serena, Clifford’s attitude toward Jared had been undergoing

grow. If it hadn’t been for Jared bringing Faiyar’s soul remnant, he and

to Serena, envisioning a wonderful future where they would cultivate

of that

was still unaware that due to the issues between Faiyar and Serena, Clifford had surprisingly begun to harbor resentment

made by Demonia Sect? They vowed that whoever could obtain their cultivation technique secret scrolls would

I remember, but that was an impossible task. Over the

story behind Demonia Sect promising the Demonia

Chance, half a year ago, a highly skilled individual was wronged by Demonia Sect. It was said that this individual went to Demonia Sect in search of the Demonia Stone. However, not only did the sect refuse to give it, but they also attacked this individual! As a result, he provoked a master, who punished him severely. The master directly threw Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls into a mountain cave and

Demonia Stone. Demonia Sect had exhausted all their efforts, but they were unable to extract the cultivation technique secret scrolls. Eventually, they had no choice but to offer Demonia Stone as a reward to any expert who could help them retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls. At first, many people tried

Demonia Sect then found us and asked us to reconstruct physical bodies for their disciples, enabling several of them to be reborn. Mr. Chance, it’s best not to dwell on the matter of Demonia Sect granting the Demonia Stone. If Demonia Sect truly disrespects us, I can have the disciples of Soul Demon Sect assist Mr. Chance in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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