The Demon Seal Alliance was indeed the largest alliance organization in the entire Ethereal Realm.

Within the Demon Seal Alliance, there were countless experts. Since the Demon Seal Alliance had issued a century-old Decree of Execution, it was clear that Jared was definitely not a simple character.

They must have been delusional to dare plot the murder of Jared and seize the century-long tribute of the Demon Seal Alliance.

Now, not only would they not obtain the hundred-year tribute of the Demon Seal Alliance, but their lives were also hanging by a thread.

Marco suddenly pointed at Stephen and exclaimed, “W-We were also deceived! It wasn’t us who wanted to kill you! It was him! It was him who wanted you dead!”

It seemed he intended to divert Jared’s murderous intent onto Stephen, in order to let them off the hook.

Stephen was taken aback, staring incredulously at Marco.

He could never have imagined that he would be betrayed by Marco.

Stephen also became anxious, glaring as he exclaimed, “What are you blabbering about? It was clearly you who coveted the century-long offerings of the Demon Seal Alliance, so why are you pushing the blame onto me?”

“Enough with the quarreling! You’re all destined to die anyway!”

transformed into a sea of fire, instantly surrounding



the Inferno Devil lineage,

ground, lifeless. Jared, on the other hand, suddenly opened his mouth and inhaled sharply. Three clusters of death energy flew

his gaze toward Stephen, his eyes cold and ruthless. Jared’s stare was like a bunch of steel knives,

dragon he had summoned dissipated into a cloud of black mist and drifted away in

and the others were no match for Jared, so he couldn’t possibly stand a

was spinning rapidly as he needed to

I can give them

environment was extremely harsh. Yet, it was

them, these mystical

Stephen brought out those mystical herbs, and without any hesitation, he stored them in his

accept his gift, Stephen secretly breathed a

given you everything, I’ll be taking my

Stephen slowly stepped back, intending to turn

I allow you to leave?” Jared

given you everything. If you feel it’s not enough, I can return to the mansion and bring you

still something you haven’t taken

have nothing left

suddenly froze. It seemed as if he understood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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