
The beast formed from the black mist collided with the golden dragon in a flash, causing a terrifying aura to ripple through the void.

The terrifying aura had the expressions of Trystan and others in the distance turn grim.

During the collision, the golden dragon only managed to hold out for a few breaths before it shattered with a thunderous bang.

In the end, Jared’s strength was no match for Pablo. After all, the latter was already an Eighth Level Tribulator, making him an elite at that cultivation level. Jared was somewhat inferior.

After shattering the golden dragon, the beast made of black mist merely paused for a moment, with its aura diminished slightly. Immediately after, it continued charging at Jared ruthlessly.

Upon witnessing that, Trystan, Faiyar, and the others all gasped, breaking into a cold sweat on Jared’s behalf.

hadn’t expected Jared’s golden dragon to be

slightly taken aback that Jared, a Second Level Tribulator cultivator, dared to fight

single. blow, it was already impressive for being able

far beyond those of a

his figure swiftly blurred. Transforming into an afterimage, he retreated instantly, leaving the spot

gradually ignited. Jared employed Blazing Stride to barely dodge a strike


instant, a large pit appeared on the ground, dust and smoke billowing. Having missed its target, the beast formed from the black mist glared menacingly

Even if he had advanced to be

though he dodged this blow, his end is still death. That

crushed Jared, leaving him

and the others couldn’t help but breathe a

Level Tribulator cultivator actually managed to dodge a strike from an Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator. No wonder Demon Seal Alliance issued Decree of Execution with a hundred-year supply

rendered wretched by that strike, the gap in strength between him and Pablo was evident, so the fact that he could dodge was already

Norman a cold glance. Although he was annoyed that Norman praised Jared, he dared not make any more enemies

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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